First of all, what is a Massage Doula, and why would you need one? Let me explain.
A Massage Therapist is a person who has been trained in the different modalities of massage to manipulate the skin and muscles of the body using various techniques. Everyone can benefit from massage, but especially pregnant women. Massage has been proven to increase oxygen flow, relieve sore muscles, remove toxins, decrease joint pain, reduce stress, and increase flexibility among other things.
A Doula (pronounced Doo-Luh) is a person, usually a woman, who provides assistance to a woman during childbirth.
A Massage Doula is a certified massage therapist who is also certified as a labor Doula. This means that I can perform massage therapy during the pregnancy, provide Doula support during childbirth, and perform postpartum massage after the baby is born. I am also a certified infant massage therapist/instructor and can teach new parents how to massage their babies.