Hi, I'm Alaina. My journey started back in 2003 when I attended Utah College of Massage Therapy. After school, I worked in several different Spas as a Massage Therapist. I loved it. I helped people feel better, and I got to trade, so I was getting regular massages, and reaping the benefits myself. I felt great!
After I was married and became pregnant, I became interested in natural childbirth. It felt right, being a massage therapist and wanting to keep the most natural thing my body would ever do, well, natural. I found Hypnobirthing online while researching the different methods of coping with childbirth. It made the most sense to me, as a Massage Therapist, that when we feel fear, our body tenses up, causing pain. So if I could overcome the fear through educating myself about what my body would be doing, and overcome tensing up, through relaxation techniques I learned, that I would be free of much of the pain. Bringing my children into the world was definitely the hardest work I've ever done, but I'm so happy to tell you, that they were also the most rewarding, peaceful, and mellow experiences of my life, thanks to Hypnobirthing. My goal in the next year is to become a Certified Hypnobirthing Coach along with using my training as a Massage Doula to offer a very unique and specialized approach to assist Mommy's during pregnancy and childbirth and help them stay relaxed!
I hope that you will take a look around at all of the resources that I am sharing with you, and see if you are interested in being a Mellow Mommy. You will be able to benefit from all of this knowledge and experience not only during pregnancy and childbirth, but throughout your Mommy-hood years! Thanks for stopping by!